
Tuesday 25 October 2016

Learn to love yourself every day

Hãy học yêu bản thân mỗi ngày

1.        Hãy luôn suy nghĩ tích cực và hãy dự phòng một điều tiêu cực sau cùng. Điều này sẽ giúp bản thân đỡ hụt hẫng khi điều tích cực không xảy ra.
Stay positive  thinking and have spare last negative thing. This will help support itself incase the besthing do not happen

2.        Hãy làm điều bạn thích nhất trong trường hợp bản cảm thấy bế tắc không biết đi đường nào. Sau cùng quay lại với vấn đề, thì hướng giải quyết tốt nhất đang đợi bạn thực hiện.
Liệu ngay tức thì không có thời gian làm điều thích nhất thì hãy ngậm một viên kẹo và nghĩ về những điều khiến cuộc sống bạn ngọt ngào hơn.
Do what you  the best as you like to do when you got stuck & not know  where were you go. Finally back to the problem, the best solutions are waiting for you to make.
Or not have enough time to do the best, then suck a piece of candy and think about what things that make your life sweeter.

3.       Có thể bạn đã từng sụp đổ và tổn thương đến mức làm đau bản thân, thì hãy thay đổi những hoạt động đang sống, va chạm và tiếp xúc nhiều hơn. Ắc hẳn bạn sẽ gặp một người không phải là tốt với bạn nhưng họ khiến bạn vui.
Have you ever fall and hurt to the extent of hurting yourself, then please change the active living, exchange your mind and more exposure.  I guarantee you will meet someone who is not good for you but they make you happy.

4.      Nếu một ngày nhận ra, con người khô cứng bỗng nhớ một ai đó khiến bạn cười một mình thì còn ngại ngùng gì nữa mà không thổ lộ với người ấy, kéo dài khoảng khắc hạnh phúc đó
Bởi vì cuộc sống vốn ngắn ngủi
 Oncce day you reallize that, your curt mind just miss someone made you smile so you should not prevent your emotion to express to them know, stay to stretch this time. Because, life is short

Tuesday 11 October 2016



Love is not always enough reason and wisdom to judge all things, sometimes it is right to "do more than" a little'm okay, you are right ^^.

You see his love these feelings occur? If so, congratulations, you are the love of two honest and sustainable.

A feeling of closeness, familiarity

Feeling of admiration and respect; Feeling deep sympathy

Love has the power is amazing, especially the ability to make people feel more confident in the on yourself, and see your existence becomes more meaningful, at least to someone .

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 Do you agree that the truth love will make someone be  perfectly more?

 1.Have you ever changes yourself something since the day came to your hear?

Actually, the love don't need to change you but the love need your sympathy and sacrificed.
Once, you can do that, you loved.

2. Finally, the true love is mean we are stay along till END LIFE

Monday 10 October 2016


by easy make you fun,  :)

My Son’s 

"When my three-year-old was told 
to pee in a cup at the doctor’s office, he unexpectedly got nervous. With 
a shaking voice, he asked, “Do I have to drink it?”
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Stay virgin or love someone

STAY VIRGIN TO BE independent girl
Do what you love?


How to treat yourself WELL?

 1. Do whatever you love?

Such travel to where you wish to be there <3

And miss to go with someone make your life meaningful more <3

2. Don't need to save money this depressed time to you!

Shopping all what you want to wear, what you want to eat

3. Finally, you should have sound sleep on your favorite bed with all the thing make you thing tomorrow should be enjoyed and throw all things make you depressed through window

Confident to be Winner

Ways to Improve Confidence

Planning and Preparation

People often feel less confident about new or potentially difficult situations. Perhaps the most important factor in developing confidence is planning and preparing for the unknown.

If you are applying for a new job for example, you would be wise to prepare for the interview. Plan what you would want to say in the interview and think about some of the questions that you may be asked.  Practise your answers with friends or colleagues and gain their feedback.
There are many other examples of planning for an interview, perhaps you should visit the hairdresser before you go. How are you going to travel to the interview, how long will the journey take? What should you wear? Take control of unknown situations the best you can, break down tasks into smaller sub-tasks and plan as many as you can.
Learning, Knowledge and Training

Knowing what to expect and how and why things are done will add to your awareness and usually make you feel more prepared and ultimately more confident. Learning and gaining knowledge can sometimes make us feel less confident about our abilities to perform roles and tasks, when this happens we need to combine our knowledge with experience. By doing something we have learned a lot about we put theory to practice which develops confidence and adds to the learning and comprehension.
First-time parents to-be may well feel nervous and less than confident about having a baby. They are likely to buy books or visit websites which can offer advice and dispel some of the mysteries. They are also likely to talk to other parents to gain knowledge and understanding.
In the workplace, training may be provided for staff to teach them how to manage or work with new systems and procedures. During a period of organisational change this is particularly important as many people will naturally resist changes. However if those affected by the changes are given adequate information and training then such resistances can usually be minimised

Positive Thought

Positive thought can be a very powerful way of improving confidence.

Try to recondition the way you think about your life:

  • Know your strengths and weaknesses. Write a list of things that you are good at and things that you know need improvement. Discuss your list with friends and family, inevitably they will be able to add to the list. Celebrate and develop your strengths and find ways to improve or manage your weaknesses.
  • We all make mistakes. Don't think of your mistakes as negatives but rather as learning opportunities.
  • Accept compliments and compliment yourself. When you receive a compliment from somebody else, thank them and ask for more details; what exactly did they like? Recognise your own achievements and celebrate them by rewarding yourself and telling friends and family about them.
  • Use criticism as a learning experience. Everybody sees the world differently, from their own perspective, what works for one person may not work for another. Criticism is just the opinion of somebody else. Be assertive when receiving criticism, don't reply in a defensive way or let criticism lower your self-esteem. Listen to the criticism and make sure that you understand what is being said, use criticism as a way to learn and improve. See our page: Dealing with Criticism for more information.
  • Try to stay generally cheerful and have a positive outlook on life. Only complain or criticise when necessary and when you do, do so in a constructive way. Offer others compliments and congratulate them on their successes.